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Use the QUICKlinks in the side bar or scroll up/down to find everything you need to know about the CFN Cardlock Program, if you can’t find what you are looking for Contact Us!
Monthly Gallon Limit – Every Account has the option of limiting the accounts gallons per month. For example, if you know you will never go through more than 500 gallons per month it is a good idea to set a monthly gallon limit to prevent unauthorized fuel purchases from taking you over your limit.
Real Time Internet Access – As if CFN’s Card Controls weren’t enough, we have taken it a step further with Real Time Internet Access. Every Account has the option to permit as many authorized users as needed to manage your account from any computer with internet access. CFN’s Online Service lets you be proactive in your fleet management and gives you the power other fleet programs can’t match!
*Get Up-to-the-minute transaction details – Don’t wait till the end of the month to see who is buying where
*Get up-to-the-minute authorizations – Check it every morning to see if anyone has had problems fueling
*Get Account/Card Reports – See summaries by Month, Account, Card, Product, or Vehicle. Even Graph it!
*Set Time profile on fleet cards*Set Gallon Limits on fleet cards
*Set CardWatch – Every time a selected CFN fuel card is authorized, declined or the sale is complete, an e-mail is sent to a designated pager, cell phone or computer. It’s called CFN Card Watch and it’s just one of the many security and tracking features offered by CFN.
*Invalidate and Validate Any Card – You have the power to shut off your own fleet cards at any time of Day or Night!
Invoicing and Statements – Have your billing faxed or emailed to your office. You don’t have to wait for snail mail, get your fleet information the instant it is available!